" ... Pops, tell us again about great, great, great Grandpa Tiktaalik..."
"... Well, like I said, when Grandpa Tiktaalik was growing up it was a fish-eat-fish world. Now even though Grandpa Tiktaalik and all his relatives were pretty big boys themselves, and even though they did their share of eatin' smaller fish, it seems Grandpa and his cousins were gettin' ate a little too regular. Now the customary plan, when being chased by a predator, was to swim like hell. That didn't always work. Some figured they would find hidin' places to keep safe. That only works until you get hungry and have to come out for somethin' to eat. When they did.... well.... they got ate. Seems Grandpa Tiktaalik finally put 2 and 2 together and said to himself.
'If them predators live in water and chase us in water and eat us in water it seems I should be removing the one thing from the equation that makes that possible. The water. I got to get outta this here water.'
So he figured because he couldn't live outside of that thar water the way his body was designed-and-all that he would have to re-design his body. And that's what he commenced to do. He re-designed himself so he could live outside of that thar water and away from them big predators..".